Quite a few friends have extended generous invitations to spend Thanksgiving with them. And I greatly appreciate the gesture. But unfortunately, because of my parents divorce (roughly a year ago) I don’t really care for holidays. And I have had a difficult time articulating this paradigm to people.
I suppose it’s like having a favorite television show that you watch religiously; and having one of the 2 co-hosts quit. Holidays are like the show. The social climate is not the same. The show however, must go on. But chances are, that your desire to watch it will subside. The value is lost. And the show will never be the same. And perhaps it’s better to not even watch the channel where the show used to reside. Or perhaps I should abstain from turning on the television at all. Maybe it’s safer that way. The show typically goes off the air within a year or two of loosing one of the hosts. So I suppose I will just leave the TV off till then.